Instructor: Dr. April Wright

Office: Ryan Hall 403

Office hours: TTh 11-1, W 1-3, Th 1-3

This course has a total of 250 points. Each week, there will be a 10 point homework. The final project will be worth 100 points. Readings listed are to read for the following week. Non-open access articles will be available on Moodle.

Below is the schedule for spring semester

Date Topic Homework Readings
Jan 25 Morphological Homology and Molecular Homology Assignment MSA homework Technology: Eaton and Overcast, Application: Satler et al, Application: Devitt et al
Feb 1 Homology assignment in genomic data ddRAD homework Felsenstein 1978, Mayr 1981, Application: Barden 2016
Feb 8 Parsimony and Models PAUP Homework Jukes and Cantor, Holder and Zwickl, Felsenstein 81
Feb 14 Finish Models Discussion Models Homework Hastings, RevBayes
Feb 21 Bayes and MCMC Likelihood Calcs Wright and Hillis 2014, Lewis 2001 Wright 2019
March 7 Molecular Data Molecular Models Homework Holder and Lewis, Huelsenbeck et al
March 14 Morphology Morphology Homework Khakurel et al. 2022
March 21 Partitioned Data Partition Homework Wright and Warnock 2021, Zuckerkandl and Pauling, Application: Smith et al.
March 28 Molecular Clocks Molecular Clocks Homework Heath et al 2014, Wright et al 2021, Barido-Sottani et al
April 5 FBD model TBD
April 11 Phylogenetic Comparative Methods TBD Felsenstein 81, Slater et al, Cooper et al
April 25 Phylogenetic Comparative Methods TBD Ree and Smith, Landis et al, Landis
May 2 Biogeography TBD None
Monday, May 9, 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Final TBD