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  1. Solicitation on flipping the script

    So I wrote a [blog post]( that went a little bit viral the other day. And a lot of people have asked in the past couple days what can be done to improve the atmosphere at programming meetings. I've been chewing on ...
  2. CCBB Wrap-Up

    This week was the CCBB's first ever Big Data in Biology summer school. I was the Python instructor. 4x3-hour-days, 16 students. Fun.

    What worked:

    • Topics: I think we had a good covering of what really matters in programming
    • Red/Green stickies: Red sticky on laptop = trouble, green = all good ...
  3. CCBB Day One

    What worked

    • Base Python: People generally found Python intuitive* Hands-On: We did a lot of hands-on (about 25 minute per hour, plus a break every hour and a half)
    • Minute papers: We got a lot of good feedback from these

    What didn't

    • Installs: A few people hadn't installed ...

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Wrighting April by April Wright is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.